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Japanese sake fair to take place in Hongqiao

LMS| Updated: March 13, 2023


Japanese sake bottles are on display at a previous fair hosted by JETRO. [Photo/WeChat account: hongqiaoshangwuqu]

Traders are welcome to explore more than 1,000 kinds of Japanese sake at the Sake Fair 2023, which is scheduled to take place at the Hongqiao Import Commodity Exhibition and Trading Center on March 17.

The B2B fair is sponsored by the Shanghai office of Japan External Trade Organization and Japan's National Tax Agency, and is supported by the Consulate-General of Japan in Shanghai, the Shanghai Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and the administration of Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District.

As a new kind of business event in the industry, the Sake Fair gathers resources of JETRO and the National Tax Agency and offers an official and direct communication platform for businesses and agencies.

Guidance on Chinese and Japanese policies related to the Japan alcohol industry are also available at the event.

Industrial statistics show that Japan's sake exports to China saw an average increase of 27.08 percent from 2012 to 2022.

After the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement took effect, the tariff for sake has been reduced from 40 percent to 36.2 percent.

"China's sake imports have seen a significant increase since the tariff dropped thanks to the RCEP agreement," said an official from the JETRO Shanghai office. "The Sake Fair 2023 is aimed to further promote Japanese alcohol to Chinese agents and consumers."

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