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Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization

Xinhua| Updated: July 22, 2024

X. Deepening Reform in the Cultural Sector

Chinese modernization is the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement. We must boost our cultural confidence and work to develop advanced socialist culture, promote revolutionary culture, and carry forward fine traditional Chinese culture. We must move faster to stay abreast of new dramatic developments in information technology, cultivate a vast pool of talented personnel in the field of culture, and ignite the cultural creativity of the entire nation.

(38) Improving the responsibility system for ideological work

We will refine the working systems for arming all Party members, educating the people, and guiding our practice with the Party's new theories. We will improve the system under which the theoretical study groups of Party committees (leading Party members groups) hold regular study sessions, as well as the system for theoretical and political work. We will develop new approaches in the project to study and develop Marxist theory and promote innovation in philosophy and social sciences with a view to building a Chinese intellectual system in this field. We will improve the spokesperson system, develop content production and communication mechanisms as well as assessment systems for all forms of media, and promote a systemic transformation in mainstream media. We will improve the mechanisms for guiding public opinion and coordinating responses to public opinion incidents.

Activities to foster ideals and convictions will be carried out on a regular and institutionalized basis. We will enhance the systems and mechanisms for cultivating and practicing the core socialist values. We will improve and innovate working mechanisms for raising awareness, applying principles, and developing initiatives aimed at promoting cultural-ethical progress. We will launch projects to enhance social etiquette and civility in rural areas. We will refine the mechanisms for publicizing heroes and role models and encouraging people to learn from them and work to develop new mechanisms for promoting patriotism and organizing themed public activities, in an effort to create a social atmosphere in which people look up to heroes, pay tribute to martyrs, and strive to become pioneers. We will establish a system for carrying forward traditional Chinese virtues and improve the institutions and mechanisms for cultivating social morality, work ethics, family values, and personal integrity. We will refine the long-term mechanisms for promoting integrity and credibility and provide public education and guidance so that all members of society readily abide by the law and respect public order and moral standards. We will take firm steps to oppose money worship, hedonism, egocentricity, and historical nihilism. We will develop mechanisms to provide online theoretical and ethical education in a differentiated and targeted manner. We will establish better mechanisms for addressing serious ethical problems in a coordinated way and improve the long-term mechanisms for combating pornography and illegal publications.

(39) Refining the mechanisms for supplying cultural services and products

We will improve the system of public cultural services, establishing mechanisms for channeling quality cultural resources directly to the community level, improving the mechanisms through which nongovernmental actors participate in the supply of public cultural services, and advancing reforms to separate the ownership and use rights for public cultural facilities. In the cultural sector, we will continue with the reform of state capital and SOEs, deepen the internal reform of public institutions on a categorized basis, and improve the mechanisms for developing theater troupes.

We will remain committed to people-centered cultural creation and stay focused on both literary and artistic production and talent cultivation, and on both producing fine works and fostering a favorable environment for creation. On this basis, we will improve the working mechanisms for serving, guiding, and organizing literary and artistic creation and production. We will refine the systems for cultural industries and markets as well as economic policies concerning the development of the cultural sector. We will explore effective mechanisms for integrating culture with science and technology and step up our efforts to foster new forms of cultural business. We will further reform the systems for culture-related government review and approval and record keeping so as to strengthen ongoing and ex post oversight. Comprehensive governance of the cultural and recreational industries will be advanced.

We will establish coordination agencies for preserving and passing down our cultural heritage and put in place an inspection system for cultural heritage protection to facilitate systematic protection and unified supervision. We will institute a system of the defining symbols of Chinese culture and refine institutions and mechanisms for promoting the full integration of culture and tourism. We will improve the public fitness services system and carry out reforms to refine the management systems and operating mechanisms for competitive sports.

(40) Improving the system for comprehensive cyberspace governance

We will deepen reform of the internet management system, combine the functions of online content development and management, and promote integrated management of media communication and online public opinion. We will improve the mechanisms for developing and managing generative artificial intelligence. We will step up the law-based governance of cyberspace, improve the long-term governance mechanisms for the online environment, and refine the system for protecting minors in cyberspace.

(41) Establishing a more effective international communication system

We will move ahead with restructuring China's international communication framework and deepen the reform and innovation of our mainstream media's international communication mechanisms in a bid to accelerate the development of a multi-channel and multi-dimensional architecture. We will move faster to develop China's discourse and narrative systems with a view to making our international communication more effective. Mechanisms for promoting the implementation of the Global Civilization Initiative will be established. We will work to facilitate both outbound and inbound visits to promote broader international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation.

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