Francesco Lorenzetto, vice-president of Exyte Shanghai Co Northeast Asia, was recently granted the 2022 Shanghai Magnolia Silver Award.
Beijing, together with other 12 Chinese cities, including Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing, released the Beijing Declaration, a manifesto on modernizing city governance, at a forum on Monday.
In 2021, China surpassed the U.S. to become the top jurisdiction in terms of number of patents in force with 3.6 million.
Shanghai began to utilize up to 2,600 community-level fever clinics starting today to tackle the swelling demands for medical treatments in the city's upgraded efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The High-Quality Development Driven by Enterprises' ESG (environmental, social, and governance) Practice – Thematic Event of Hongqiao International Economic Forum was held in Shanghai on Dec 16.
Further optimization of pandemic containment measures and better policy coordination will support a strong economic rebound in the first half of next year.
Two subsidiaries of Panpan Foods – Shanghai Panpan Foods Co and the group's beverage business division – were recently set up in the Hongjing Xinhui Park in the Qingpu section of the Shanghai Hongqiao International CBD.
The first Hongqiao Procuratorial Forum themed on cross-regional intellectual property rights (IPR) protection was held in the Shanghai Hongqiao International CBD on Dec 16.