Guoquan Shihui, a specialized hotpot and barbecue food materials supply chain headquartered in the Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District, recently had its offline outlets exceed 10,000 in China's 29 provincial-level administrative regions.
International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF), a leading flavor and fragrance brand from the United States, recently set up operations in the IBP International Business Park in the Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District.
Shanghai-based Chinese news portal Jiemian recently published its 2022 list for ESG (environmental, social and governance) practice pioneers
The opening ceremony for NE New Energy Technology Co was held in Shanghai Hongqiao Linkong Economy Park on Dec 26.
Two subsidiaries of Panpan Foods – Shanghai Panpan Foods Co and the group's beverage business division – were recently set up in the Hongjing Xinhui Park in the Qingpu section of the Shanghai Hongqiao International CBD.
China Nuclear Engineering and Construction Corp (CNECC) unveiled its "three platforms and a center" in the Qingpu Area of Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District (Hongqiao CBD) on Nov 29.
Construction recently started of the new Neusoft Shanghai Technology Center in the Hongqiao International Central Business District, which is located in Shanghai city in East China.
The signing of a strategic cooperation agreement between Dun & Bradstreet and the South Hongqiao administrative committee on Saturday is a clear reflection of the spillover effect of the China International Import Expo, the company's China managing director Wu Guangyu said.